The Rishon L’Tzion in a special message for the talmidim of the Yeshivah: “Learn with hasmadah, and you will go far.”
A three month chizuk project concluded with a meeting in the office of the Rishon L’Tzion, HaRav Yitzchak Yosef, shlita, and at the home of Rav Moshe Chadash, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah of Ohr Elchanan

Independent Learning
It started with the opening of the winter zeman, when talmidim signed up to learn an additional masechta in their free time. Coming on top of their regular learning schedule in the Yeshivah, it was a challenge, but many of the boys were eager to take it on. At the Yeshivah’s Chanukah party, celebrated with the parents, one talmid after another stepped up to the dais to complete his personal masechta in a beautiful shared siyum.
At the Siyum
Mr. Shai Yitzchak, father of our talmid Dvir Yitzchak, spoke on behalf of the parents. He described the great longing for Jerusalem that was integral to his youth in Ethiopia, and the fulfillment of the dream when he settled in the Holy Land, culminating in his son’s enrollment in the Yeshivah. Mr. Yitzchak, a high-ranking police officer with impressive academic degrees, told the talmidim that all other accomplishments pale in the face of a siyum masechta like the one his son Dvir had made at Acheinu. Ordinarily, he said, a sense of achievement lasts a short time, only to be replaced by a feeling of emptiness and the need to keep pushing in the hope of finally finding satisfaction. Torah learning is different. The joy and satisfaction are there at every minute, and they never end. He concluded by telling the boys, “Take advantage of what you have here!”
In honor of the occasion, the talmidim who had made a siyum were invited to the office of the Rishon L’Tzion, HaRav Yitzchak Yosef, shlita. After a warm greeting, they each received a certificate signed by the Rishon L’Tzion. He spoke about his father, Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadiah Yosef, zt”l; throughout his life, he had encouraged yeshivah students to continually learn and grow in Torah. Rav Yosef blessed our talmidim, telling them, “Learn with hashmadah, and you will go far.”

The next stop was a visit to the home of Rav Moshe Chadash, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah of Ohr Elchanan. He welcomed the boys and spoke about the great importance of completing an entire masechta, an acquisition which lasts a lifetime.
Encouraged and inspired, Acheinu’s talmidim continue their efforts to achieve the greatest of goals: becoming talmidei chachamim.